Ferrier Wire and Design Metals offers a wide variety of wire mesh (weavemesh and weldmesh), perforated metals (design and round hole pattern) and expanded metals for use in a wide variety of industrial, architectural and design applications. Please contact us to see if we can assist you with your requirements and or would be interested being the subject of a blog post.
5 Applications Of Wire Mesh In An Industrial Setting

Wire mesh has numerous applications in the industrial sector. Be it steel mesh, brass mesh, welded wire mesh or aluminum mesh, their uses are diverse and highly specialized in some cases. However, one major use is in creating partitions in areas such as factory floors and warehouses. In this blog, 5 such applications of wire mesh partitions are explored in detail.
Storing/Securing Tools
A warehouse uses a multitude of tools and even large machinery such as forklifts. They need to be stored in a safe and designated location at the end of a shift so the next batch of workers can easily access them. This is made possible by creating a designated storage area using wire mesh partitions.
Ensuring Worker Safety
Worker safety on the factory floor is always a major concern. Working with heavy machinery always poses a safety hazard, and the chaotic nature of operation can further increase risk. By creating partitions for these heavy machinery, workers can move around the shop floor without any risk of major injuries.
Creating A Designated Area For Clients
When clients visit a warehouse or factory, they are often hosted in separate offices. However, if they want to observe the operations, it might be risky and problematic to take them to the middle of the operations. Installing a wire mesh partition in this case will help them observe the proceedings from a safe distance. Furthermore, it will also not hinder the workflow.
Restricting Access To Certain Items
Many industrial settings utilize flammable products and hazardous chemicals. It is vital to keep them separate from the rest of the operations. This can be ensured using a steel mesh partition, complete with a door to lock and restrict access to hazardous goods.
Protecting Fragile Goods
In a similar vein, apart from protecting workers and machinery from hazardous materials, some fragile goods also need protection from heavy machinery. In fact, in some factories, fragile goods can be a finished product. Therefore, keeping them separate via a sturdy partition becomes mandatory.
Ferrier Wire And Goods Company Ltd. manufactures wire mesh including stainless steel, copper, brass, and aluminum mesh. The company also manufactures welded wire mesh, along with textured sheet metal, chicken wire, decorative metal sheets, perforated metal, and more. Contact us today to know more or to place an order.