Ferrier Wire and Design Metals offers a wide variety of wire mesh (weavemesh and weldmesh), perforated metals (design and round hole pattern) and expanded metals for use in a wide variety of industrial, architectural and design applications. Please contact us to see if we can assist you with your requirements and or would be interested being the subject of a blog post.
Ferrier Wire + Design Metals Doppio Pattern

A customer requested this custom weave pattern for use as a design element in an upscale dentist office in Oakville. Flat screen TV's will be mounted to the mesh above dentist chairs for patients viewing enjoyment. We offer a variety of Doppio options woven from aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, galvanized, mild steel and stainless steel wire. Spacing options range from 1/2" to 1-1/2", custom rectangular options are also available.