Ferrier Wire and Design Metals offers a wide variety of wire mesh (weavemesh and weldmesh), perforated metals (design and round hole pattern) and expanded metals for use in a wide variety of industrial, architectural and design applications. Please contact us to see if we can assist you with your requirements and or would be interested being the subject of a blog post.
Role Of Steel Mesh In Concrete Rehabilitation

Wire mesh, especially steel mesh, is known for its industrial applications. One such usage is in the construction field where it is utilized to reinforce concrete. However, in many structures concrete is used without reinforcement, leading to the development of cracks and small damage in the long run. Steel mesh is used to repair this concrete as well. Known as concrete rehabilitation, this blog explores its definition and how a steel mesh aids in its repair.
What Is Concrete Rehabilitation?
Concrete, an integral part of any structure, can face wear and tear over the years. If left unrepaired, it can lead to major structural repairs down the road. Hence, it is required to be examined and fixed. This process of removing or fixing parts of concrete in a building is broadly known as concrete rehabilitation. The main types of damage faced by concrete is cracking, spalling and corrosion. Cracking, as is evident, is the development of fissures in the concrete structure. Spalling and corrosion are closely related. Spalling is also a form of corrosion wherein the concrete releases small specks of dust, leading to gradual disintegration.
How Steel Mesh Aids In Concrete Rehabilitation?
Steel mesh, especially made of wire with small diameters can be used to significantly improve the tensile strength of concrete. It also makes the concrete more resistant to wear and tear. The damaged piece of concrete can be removed and a new section of steel-reinforced concrete can be added. Lastly, the repair is complete by spraying or guniting concrete over the new section.
Thus, steel mesh aids in rehabilitating concrete without the use of any special resins or polymers.
Ferrier Wire And Goods Company Ltd. manufactures wire mesh including stainless steel, copper, brass, and aluminum mesh. The company also manufactures welded wire mesh, along with textured sheet metal, chicken wire, decorative metal sheets, perforated metal, and more. Contact us today to know more or to place an order.